FTD Nano Clear 3D Printing resin

FTD Nano Clear 3D Printing resin
Fun To Do Ultra High Resolution Clear resin for 3D printers.
3D printing resin Fun To Do Nano Clear.
Fun To Do latest blend, a Ultra High Resolution Clear resin: NANO CLEAR
Enormous high resolution, and clarity. There are numerous applications where a Ultra High resolution clear resin is needed. High Tec applications involving micro fluids, light channelling, micro lighting, microscopic filter applications etc,
Today’s High End printers equipped with high precision mechanics and high and optical Light engines are capable of so much higher resolutions than the current available resins can provide them.
Nano Clear, also for LCD/LED printers.
Although Nano Clear is especially a product targeting the high end market, also the other end of the printer spectrum can benefit from this high resolution resin.
Although the mechanical and optical limitations of common LCD machines, like the D7 and the Photon, won’t bring out the best of this resin, these machines can also benefit from the magnificent properties of Nano Clear.
3D printing resin Fun To Do Nano Clear characteristics
Package | 1 kg | Color | clear, transparent |
Viscosity | at 25°C | 80-85 mPa.s |
Hardness (Shore D) | 83-85 | |
Density | at 25°C | 1015gr/dm3 |
Finishing Instructions
To clean and remove excess resin, agitate the 3D printed part in an ulkltrasonic cleaner with TEK1969 cleaning or in a simple vat with TEK1960 solvent for 1-2 minutes.
Do not soak in acetone. Do not leave the 3D part soaking in the liquid. Use a soft brush if necessary.
Clean off any excess of liquid with a cold blowdryer or compressed air.
Leave under the sun or in a UV lamp to cure. The resin is fully cured when fingernails do not leave scratch marks on the object.
Even after full post cure some parts may still have a sticky surface. You can treat your print with Ta-Tack Away. A quick wash in this special formula will add a stick-free coating on the printed part.
*We do not recommend the use of denatured or isopropyl alcohol (IPA). It is very aggressive on the polymerized resin and it could weaken the structure of the 3D part. It is also flammable and potentially harmful to people and the environment.
Store the resin in a dry, cool, shaded place out of direct sunlight.
More information is available at FunToDo.